Question: How can I marry in Russian?

To get married in Russia, you need to prove to the authorities you are who you say you are, and that you are free to marry. To do this you provide your passport (to show who you are), a certificate of non-impediment and if necessary your divorce certificate (to show you are free to marry).

Is it possible to marry a Russian girl?

Marrying a Russian woman is much easier than most people think. By law, you could get married to real Russian mail order brides in Russia, your country, or even a third country where youre both foreigners. The marriage will be fully legal and binding if it was properly processed.

Can I move to America if I marry an American?

The straightforward answer to this question is that yes, if you marry an American you are able to move to the US in many cases. The US has stringent immigration policies and any foreign national who wants to move to the US, must satisfy a number of conditions before they are able to permanently reside to the US.

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