Question: Is it healthy to be celibate?

But just because sex is good for you doesnt mean that abstaining from sex is bad for you. With the exception of obvious conditions like vaginal atrophy that are directly related to sexual abstinence, no studies directly link celibacy to poor overall health.

Is it better to be celibate?

For some, celibacy is a way to feel more empowered. It can help move their attention away from relationships or sex and turn it inward, allowing them to focus on personal development. For others, it could be medical decision following a diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) as a way to prevent transmission.

Is celibacy bad for mens health?

But just because sex is good for you doesnt mean that abstaining from sex is bad for you. With the exception of obvious conditions like vaginal atrophy that are directly related to sexual abstinence, no studies directly link celibacy to poor overall health.

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