Question: How does tinder use big data?

Tinder found that the users conformed to the new rules and did not discontinue their membership [12]. Tinder is currently using a software called Interana to collect data from their clients [12]. Interana is a self service tool that analyzes data by allowing users to input queries [12].

What data does Tinder track?

As well as these voluntary kinds of information, Tinder apps also collect additional data automatically just through use of the app. This kind of information includes: Usage information such as search history and interactions. Device information such as IP address.

What do dating apps do with data?

When users are swiping through potential matches, the app will display more precise location information on each user based on GPS data, such as “2.0 miles away.” This location data is updated every time a user opens the app. Other dating apps, such as Grindr, show even more granular location information.

Does Tinder use Facebook data?

Tinder uses Facebook profiles to authenticate real people and keep what the app believes is “quality control” to the highest possible level. It also uses your Facebook profile to match you up with people of similar interests and your Facebook likes as well as finding your location.

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