Question: What is the shortest poem ever written?

Lines on the Antiquity of Microbes, also known simply as Fleas, is a couplet commonly cited as the shortest poem ever written, composed by American poet Strickland Gillilan in the early 20th century.

What are the short poems called?

9 Short Poetic Forms. There are many different types of short poems, each with their own set of rhyming rules and structures.Haiku. Tanka. Sijo. Acrostic. Cinquain. Limerick. Sonnet.More items •16 Aug 2021

What is a 5 word poem called?

A quintain (also known as a quintet) is any poetic form or stanza that contains five lines. Quintain poems can contain any line length or meter.

What is the longest poem in the world?

Mahabharata The scale of the “Mahabharata” is daunting. The ancient Indian epic stands as the longest poem ever written, about 10 times as long as “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” combined.

Which is longest epic in world?

Mahabharata Mahabharata is the worlds largest epic, in its present form it contains eighteen chapters and thousands of verses. It tells us about the story of the Pandavas, the Kauravas, and the other important kings who were once ruled the great land known as the bharata-varsha.

What is the longest love poem?

The poem Marína was written in 1846 by Andrej Sládkovič to his love Marína, a love that wasnt destined to be. The poem is 2,900 verses long and it is officially recognized as the longest love poem in the world, Dobré Noviny wrote.

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