Question: What religion is the Living Church of God?

What church is the true church of God?

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Christ set up only one true Church, and that this Church of Christ is the Catholic Church with the Roman pontiff as its supreme, infallible head and locus of communion.

Is the Church of God Anabaptist?

The Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, also called Holdeman Mennonite, is a Christian Church of Anabaptist heritage. It is very similar to Conservative Mennonites but has stayed away from other Conservative Mennonites because of its true church doctrine and its practice of excommunication.

Who is the leader of United Church of God?

Victor Kubik The United Church of God, an International Association (UCGIA or simply UCG) is a non-denominational religious group based in the United States .United Church of God.United Church of God, an International AssociationPresidentVictor Kubik (May 2013 – present)Council ChairmanLen Martin (June 2020 – present)RegionInternational7 more rows

Do Anabaptists still exist?

Over four million Anabaptists live in the world today with adherents scattered across all inhabited continents.

What religion takes Bible literally?

Protestants (including those who identify themselves as Christian but not Catholic or Mormon) are the most likely religious group to believe the Bible is literally true. Forty-one percent of Protestants hold this view, while a slightly larger 46% take the Bible to be the inspired word of God.

What does church of God Seventh Day believe?

Furthermore, according to the Salem Conference, There are three basic precepts that we must follow in order to obtain salvation and receive the gift of eternal life : 1) To love the LORD your God; 2) to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, repent of our sins, and become baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus

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