Question: Is Hindi spoken in Pakistan?

Hindi is also spoken amongst the small Indian community in Pakistan. The Indian High Commission in Islamabad operated a Hindi school which gave classes to the children of expatriates.

Do India and Pakistan speak same language?

English is the lingua franca and official language of both India and Pakistan. Urdu is another common language that Pakistanis and Indians share and that unites them. Urdu unfortunately is usually confined to Indian Muslims or Pakistanis only in the Indian popular culture.

Is Hindi and Urdu the same?

Both Hindi and Urdu originally developed from Khari Boli, a dialect of Delhi region, and the spoken languages are extremely similar to one another. They have the exact same grammatical structure, and at the beginner level they share over 70 - 80% of their vocabulary.

What is the religion of Pakistan?

Almost all of the people of Pakistan are Muslims or at least follow Islamic traditions, and Islamic ideals and practices suffuse virtually all parts of Pakistani life. Most Pakistanis belong to the Sunni sect, the major branch of Islam.

Is Pakistani a language?

Urdu English Pakistan/Official languages

Is Pakistan mostly Shia or Sunni?

Almost all of the people of Pakistan are Muslims or at least follow Islamic traditions, and Islamic ideals and practices suffuse virtually all parts of Pakistani life. Most Pakistanis belong to the Sunni sect, the major branch of Islam. There are also significant numbers of Shiʿi Muslims.

Is India Shia or Sunni?

It makes India the country with the largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries. The majority of Indian Muslims belong to the Sunni sect of Islam, while the Shia form a sizeable minority.

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