Question: Is it illegal for a teacher to date a student in college?

While legal, it is hardly professional for lecturers to date students. Professors are required to alert the university should a relationship develop between them and a student to ensure no unfair advantage is given to the student.

Can u swear in school?

403 v. Fraser (1986), public school officials can punish students for profane speech. The government can also regulate profanity that qualifies as indecent speech in the broadcast medium, as the Supreme Court explained in Federal Communications Commission v. Pacifica Foundation (1978).

Can u swear in college?

No. There is a governing body that limits the amount of swear words you use. When you first get on the college campus, you are fitted with a monitoring device under the skin that records and senses profanity. Depending on the school, you get the latitude to use 1–100 profane words a day.

Is it bad to say the F word?

A lot of times when we use the dirty words against others, it might be an indication of our frustration level. Abusing or cursing is a unique way to express our anger, desperation or even defeat. This may be still a taboo and certainly considered as a breach of social etiquette.

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