Question: What is Bhakoot Maha Dosha?

Bhakoot means the Moon sign. It means if the Moon sign of a native is Aries, his Bhakoot is Aries. According to the system of Gun Milaan, if Bhakoots of male and female make a combination of 2-12, 5-9 or 6-8 with respect to each other, Bhakoot Dosh is formed.

Can Bhakoot Dosha be Cancelled?

When there exists a strong match in Nadi matching and Vashya matching, Bhakoot dosha is cancelled. The couple should score full points in Vashya matching and Nadi matching. For the Bhakoot dosha to be nullified in this way.

How important is Bhakoot in Kundli?

The Bhakoot Koota system checks the health and wealth within a marriage. The Bhakoot Koota thus gives a detailed analysis of the health and wealth in a relationship. We know that there are 36 gunas that are checked or matched. These gunas are a kind of score of Kundali matching tests.

How Bhakoot Dosha is calculated?

According to the system of Gun Milaan, if Bhakoots of male and female make a combination of 2-12, 5-9 or 6-8 with respect to each other, Bhakoot Dosh is formed. The numbers mentioned in these combinations are calculated on the basis of the distance of both Moon signs with respect to each other.

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