Question: What race is Salvadorans?

The majority of Salvadorans ethnically identify as mestizo, which is a term that refers to mixed European (de facto Spanish) and Amerindian ancestry.

What kind of Indians are Salvadorans?

These groups included, Lenca, Maya Chortí, Maya Pocomam, Cacaopera and Nahua Pipil. Some like the Lenca occupied a large territory that also encompassed present day Honduras. Salvadoran indigenous people for the most part are the descendants of the Pipils, a migrant Nahua speaking group from central Mexico.

Is there Indians in El Salvador?

According to the National Salvadoran Indigenous Coordination Council (CCNIS) and CONCULTURA (National Council for Art and Culture at the Ministry of Education ), approximately 600,000 or 10 per cent of Salvadorian peoples are indigenous. The majority of the El Salvador indigenous population is Nahua-Pipil.

Why are Salvadorans called guanacos?

When he returned to El Salvador, he made a comparison between indigenous people with these animals and changed the name of chontales to guanacos. The word guanaco at these meetings was used as a synonym for “brotherhood” (in language lenca poton guanaco means brotherhood).

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