Question: When is a cold sore no longer contagious?

When Is a Cold Sore No Longer Contagious? Cold sores are typically contagious for up to 15 days. You need to wait until all your cold sore symptoms have cleared – including the blister and any scabbing – to reach the point when cold sores are not contagious anymore.

When can you kiss after a cold sore?

In general, its best to wait for three to four days after the cold sore scab disappears before you kiss someone or engage in oral sex. This is because the herpes virus can continue shedding in the late stages of a cold sore healing, even if theres no viral fluid present.

How long are cold sores contagious for?

Cold sores are contagious until they go away completely, which usually takes about two weeks. This means the common belief that cold sores arent contagious once theyve scabbed over isnt true.

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