Question: Is 2b2t that bad?

2b2t gives players free rein to abuse, destroy and self-destruct. It is essentially nihilistic, as players thrash against the walls of their virtual cage, taking out their disaffection on the same technology they are addicted to. Their behavior is more than not safe for work: It is not safe for life itself.

Will 2b2t be shut down?

2b2t is shut down for three months and changes the IP address from to

Who is 2b2t Hausemaster?

Hausemaster, commonly called Hause, and formerly known as Housemaster or House, is the name given to the owner of 2b2t. Today, the name continues to refer to the administrator of 2b2t and its official entities, despite there being a reported change of ownership.

Is FitMC the owner of 2b2t?

Fit, also known by his YouTube username as FitMC, and previously known as silentpedro, is a well known midfag after joining in 2013 and becoming the leader of Team Veteran, a group that was founded to fight a staged war against YouTuber TheCampingRusher.

Can I join 2b2t?

You go to multiplayer, type into the IP, wait for it to load, then run and pray as hard as you can. Run until the world looks untouched, then run some more because that only means theyve yet to catch up to that area.

Is FitMC a griefer?

Fit, also known by his YouTube username as FitMC, and previously known as silentpedro, is a well known midfag after joining in 2013 and becoming the leader of Team Veteran, a group that was founded to fight a staged war against YouTuber TheCampingRusher.

How long does it take to join 2b2t?

The ordeal begins even before you enter: The queue to join the server is over 1,000 players long. A very slow-moving countdown appears on screen; when it reaches zero, youre allowed in. It took me three tries and over four hours to join 2b2t.

Where is Popbob now?

popbob was an infamous oldfag, and griefer who joined in early 2011 from 4chan, and is now inactive. She [Notes 1] is significantly famous among modern 2b2t and other servers due to being popularized and subject in many videos by YouTuber FitMC. As of today, she is used in various shitposts and memes relating to 2b2t.

Who is the oldest 2b2t player?

policemike55 - Is known for being on of the oldest still active players on 2b2t. TheJudgeHolden - TheJudgeHolden is famous for his 2b2t comic that told his experiences while he was on the server. Jaang - The builder of the Valley of Wheat, one of the largest public farms on the server.

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