Persons raised in divorced families tend to have less positive attitudes towards marriage, and more positive attitudes towards divorce. This negative attitude about marriage leads to decreased commitment to romantic relationships, which in turn is related to lower relationship quality.
Does a child of divorce have issues with intimate relationships?
In that domain of study, one notion is that as adults, children of divorce are more likely to experience issues with emotional intimacy and are more likely to see their own marriages end in divorce than are children whose parents stayed married (Feng, Giarrusso, Bengston, & Frye, 1999).
Should divorced parents spend holidays together?
If you are in a time sharing situation that has gone well, and you have built a strong foundation of mutual respect with your former spouse, then spending the holidays together with your children may be a good idea. Otherwise, creating a specific holiday time sharing schedule may be a better option.
Should divorced parents vacation together?
While it is generally recognized that co-parenting can provide additional comfort and stability for young children after a divorce, experts suggest that spending too much time together after a divorce can have some potentially-negative effects as well.
How do divorced parents handle Christmas?
Divorced parents who reside in different states have an uncommon yet practical option: alternating Christmas breaks. Children spend the entire Christmas break with one parent on even numbered years and with the other parent on odd numbered years. Such schedules are preferable for some parents.