Question: Is it OK to lie about your age on a dating site?

When it comes to online dating, lying about age can benefit you – provided you do it within reason. Heres why: Studies have shown women are more comfortable with round numbers, so theyre much more likely to search ages “30-40” than 32-42. Sometimes it makes sense to adjust your age accordingly.

Why do men lie about age on dating apps?

In a nutshell, its a tactic used by men to lure in younger women. If a woman sets her age range for matches at 30-45, it means shes looking for someone under the age of 45. If she wants to date a 50- or a 60-year-old, shell set her age range for matches appropriately.

What is the difference between how old are you and what is your age?

3 Answers. In any spoken English How old are you is far, far more natural than whats your age. So, if you dont want people to notice your stilted English, it is far better to use How old are you?. It might also be helpful to know that we dont usually use the words years old in the reply.

Is it OK to ask a woman her age?

What I have noticed with interest is this: many women today are proud of their older age and may reply to a complement by saying: “Yes, I think Im doing very well for an 80 (or 85 or 90-year-old lady).” Regardless of whether a lady offers her age or note, the rule remains: it is improper and rude to ask a lady her age

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