Question: What does it mean to be someones beard?

A “beard” is an antiquated slang term for someone whose social presence serves to mask aspects of someone elses true self from the public. In the early days of queer culture, a “beard” was a wife, girlfriend or female companion who acted (wittingly or not) as social cover for a closeted gay man.A “beard” is an antiquated slang term for someone whose social presence serves to mask aspects of someone elses true self from the public. In the early days of queer culture

What does to be someones beard mean?

a person who diverts suspicion from someone (especially a woman who accompanies a male homosexual in order to conceal his homosexuality) type of: individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul. a human being.

What does bearding mean slang?

slang a woman who accompanies a homosexual man to give the impression that he is heterosexual.

Is hair on upper lip normal?

Lets be clear: Upper lip hair is normal and totally natural. Nevertheless, it may not be something that you want to occur on your own upper lip area. Before getting into all the tried and true methods of prevention and removal, lets first go over what causes upper lip hair growth.

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