Question: What is a Atlas Mason jar?

The Hazel-Atlas Company was an actual company from 1902 to 1964. They made actual Mason jars for home canning, as well as other glass items, such as depression glass and milk glass. Though the name of the company was “Hazel-Atlas”, the jar fronts were stamped with just “Atlas.”

Are Atlas Mason jars worth money?

Most Atlas Mason jars sell for under $15, but there are a few examples that can be worth much more. Old jars are definitely worth more, but there are a few other factors to consider.

Does glass break in the freezer?

If you are going to freeze anything long-term in glass, make sure the glass is either tempered (the type used for canning jars) or specifically labeled for freezing. Since even freezer-safe glass can crack as food expands, always make sure to leave about 3/4 inch of space between the top of the food and the lid.

How hot can a mason jar get before it breaks?

When heated, thin glass begins to crack and typically breaks at 302–392 degrees Fahrenheit. Glass bottles and jars are usually not affected by ambient, refrigeration or warm temperatures. However, high heat (>300°F) and excessive thermal variations can cause glass to shatter or break.

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