Question: What is a USB flash drive for iPhone?

An iPhone flash drive is one of the most convenient ways for non-cloud believers to transfer photos from their iPhone to another device. One end goes in your phone to quickly dump your photos and videos, and the other end — usually a USB 3.0, USB-C or both — connects to your computer.

Can I transfer pictures from iPhone to flash drive?

To transfer iPhone/iPad photos on PC to flash drive, plug in your flash drive, and make sure it has enough room for all your photo files. Find the photos you want to transfer from the “DCIM” folder of your iPhone. Copy and paste or drag and drop them to the folder in your flash drive.

How does an iPhone flash drive work?

Free up space on your iPhone or iPad quickly with the iXpand Flash Drive1. Simply plug in the Lightning connector and you can easily move photos, videos and other files off your device and onto the drive. From there, you can transfer the files onto a Mac computer or PC or store them on the drive.

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