Question: How long does it take to get matches on Coffee Meets Bagel?

Because we focus on quality > quantity, checking your potential matches should take just ~5 minutes per day. When youre done, youre done.

How do I know if someone likes me on Coffee Meets Bagel?

(Note: To know whether someone has liked you first, pay attention to the banner at the bottom of a bagels profile picture that will say, “He/She likes you.” If you dont hear anything after 2 weeks, you can assume the bagel has decided to pass on you.)

How do I get more matches on CMB?

And the surprising thing is – some of them are REALLY easy to do.Have at least 3 photos – your chances of getting LIKED back will increase by 31%. Experiment with your first photo – a clear headshot with a friendly smile works wonders. Write at least a few words in your “Profile” Have your friends GIVE you Bagels.More items •Jan 27, 2015

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