Question: How much is the white population in South Africa?

How much of the African population is white?

There are around 4.6 million white people, comprising 7.9% of the country. South Africa is also an African country with the largest percentage (and number as well) of the white population.

What percentage of the South African population is black?

75% Black population accounts 75% of the South Africas entire population. (2.) The Whites who account for about 13% of the population.

What percentage of South Africa speaks English?

8.1 percent While English only accounts for the sixth most common language spoken inside of South African households at 8.1 percent, it is the second-most prevalent language spoken outside of homes, at 16.6 percent .CharacteristicInsideOutsideAfrikaans12.2%9.7%English8.1%16.6%IsiNdebele1.6%1.3%IsiXhosa14.8%12.8%9 more rows

What does apartheid literally mean?

Full Definition of apartheid 1 : racial segregation specifically : a former policy of segregation and political, social, and economic discrimination against the nonwhite majority in the Republic of South Africa.

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